Recently, TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas undertook the project of inspection and certification of 14 new photovoltaic parks with a total of more than 35,5 MWp in Greece: 7 parks of total power 17 MWp, 1 park 5 MWp, 1 park 5,5 MWp, 4 parks 2 MWp and 1 park 1,7 Mwp.
TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas is accredited from ESYD for initial and periodic inspection of photovoltaic installations according to the standard EN 62446. Also, it occupies qualified and experienced inspectors of all required engineering backgrounds specialized in photovoltaic systems.
Up to now, TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas has cooperated with dozens of companies which undertake the design, procurement and construction of photovoltaic parks and with investors and banks.
TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas holds the leading position in the Greek market, offering the highest quality services in the renewable energy sector and having already inspected or under ongoing inspection photovoltaic parks of a total power more than 115 MWp.