TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas, one of the leading Certification Bodies in Greece, has established a strong presence also in the field of training, by upgrading its training services, by redesigning all its training programs, by updating its educational material and by continuously training all its trainers. TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas’ commitment in the contribution to the Society of Knowledge and the Business Development has led to TÜV ACADEMY’s foundation which is the official training center of TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas. TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas and TÜV ACADEMY recently have established cooperation with the University of Piraeus/ Greece, and specifically with the e-learning program of the Department of Banking and Financial Management, which was created in 1990. Now by cooperating with TÜV ACADEMY, the e-learning program will cover 7 general topics such as Quality, Environment, Information Technology, Health and Safety in workplace and Energy with a total duration from 1 to 3 months.
It is worth mentioning that the University of Piraeus is one of the oldest Universities in Greece founded in 1938 and was the only University which was created by the Industrialists and Tradesmen Association, with mission to put the base for the financial, legal and technical skills for the executives in the Greek Industry.
More information: http://www.unipi.gr/eng_site/default.php