With great success and more than 120 participants the official «GRI-G4 LAUNCH IN GREECE» was held at the Conference Hall of TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas’ premises in Athens.

The event was organized by TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas in co-operation with the Global Reporting Initiative (G.R.I.) which edits the most well-known Corporate Social Responsibility Standards. The basic aim was the presentation of the new standard G4 by the Keynote Speaker, Mr. Panayiotis Louizos, G.R.I.s’ Network Relations Planner. Moreover, there were speeches by Mr. Georgopoulos, General Secretariat of Trade of the Ministry of Development & Competitiveness and Mr. Koulidis, Environmental Impact Assessment Expert of the Ministry of Environment, Energy & Climate Change. Also, an open discussion followed among the executives of the biggest companies in Greece, such as Alpha Bank and “Mytilineos Group”. The governmental executives mentioned above, have also participated at the discussion, and Mr. Loukogiannakis, CEO of the Council of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises and Mr. Evaggelinos, Professor at the University of Aegean.

The event was supported by the Hellenic Network for Corporate Social Responsibility and the Council of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises for the sustainable development.

The whole event was presented with a live streaming at TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas’ website and GRI’s website.

After the presentation of the new GRI standard, the conference was continued with speeches concerning the new European Institutional framework for C.S.R., the importance of the external verification by an independent Certification Body, such as TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas, and the verification methodology. Furthermore, several C.S.R. reports that are implemented by big Greek companies were introduced as case studies presentations, such as HELLENIC PETROLEUM, INTERAMERICAN, NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE and ATHENS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.

At the end of the event, special awards were given by the former Dean of the University of Aegean, Mr. Sofoulis, to companies that implement C.S.R. reports in accordance with the most of the GRI indicators. Finally, the executives had a discussion and opinion exchange in the atrium of the Conference Hall, followed by a cocktail buffet.

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