Athens, 8.01.2020

Press Release

Implementation of the International Guidelines by the Group Compliance and Corporate Governance General Division of National Bank of Greece:

  1. ISO 19600: 2014 for Compliance Management
  2. ISO 26000: 2010 for Corporate Social Responsibility, along with
  3. the European Banking Authority’s (EBA) Internal Governance Guidelines (EBA-GL-2017-11)

The Group Compliance and Corporate Governance General Division of National Bank of Greece, following a successful audit by the independent audit and inspection TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas organization, has received certificate for the effective implementation, monitoring and coordination for:

  • the Bank and Group Compliance Management System, as set out in ISO 19600: 2014 International Guide. This certification shall include both Compliance and AML/CFT Management in the Bank and the Group,
  • the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) principles in the Bank and the Group as set out in ISO 26000: 2010 International Guide.

In addition, being innovative in the banking industry, the aforementioned General Division has been successfully audited and has received relevant certification for the implementation and monitoring of internal governance requirements for the Bank and the Group, in accordance with the European Banking Authority’s Guidelines on internal governance (EBA-GL-2017-11).

Following a demanding and highly successful audit process, the General Division of the Bank has fully complied with the guidelines of the aforesaid standards for the Corporate Social Responsibility, Compliance Management and Internal Governance by incorporating them into its own values and practices.

AUSTRIA Hellas CEO, Mr. Ioannis Kallias, reports: “At TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas we are extremely pleased and honored for our partnership with National Bank of Greece as well as for the successful audit for the implementation, monitoring and coordination of international principles for the Compliance Management, the Internal Governance and the Corporate Social Responsibility for the Bank and the Group. As a company that focuses on excellence in customer service, we are responsible for signing compliance with the principles and requirements of those international standards in order to contribute to the dynamic evolution of our clients’ services”.

The Group Chief Compliance and Corporate Governance Officer, Mr. Panagiotis Dasmanoglou states accordingly: “The Group Compliance and Corporate Governance Functions of National Bank of Greece are aimed at ensuring a high level of corporate governance, good repute, as well as credibility of the Bank towards shareholders, clients, investors, as well as Supervisory and other Independent Authorities. This is achieved through the establishment of a suitable and effective corporate governance framework, the timely adjustment of the Bank to the new laws and regulations, the appropriate management of compliance and ML/TF risk, and the establishment of an adequate and effective compliance control environment within the Bank and the Group companies. At the same time and within the same framework of consistency towards stakeholders (shareholders, market, employees, society and environment), NBG has developed a set of socially responsible actions, initiatives and practices in all important pillars of sustainable development, contributing to the progress and to the prosperity of the Greek society. These certificates, which verify the vital role of the Group Compliance and Corporate Governance General Division in the appropriate implementation, monitoring and coordination of the Compliance Management System, including the demanding management of AML/CFT, the Internal Governance requirements, as well as the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility for the Bank and the Group, represent for us a significant recognition of a corporate culture that promotes compliance, sound corporate governance and social responsibility as a key components of the success of National Bank of Greece”.

About National Bank of Greece

National Bank of Greece was established in 1841 and was the first bank to be set up in the Modern Greek State, going on to play a key role in the economy of Greece throughout its 177-year history. Today NBG heads one of the largest financial groups in Greece, playing a key role in the efforts to support the Greek economy and the economic and social transformation of the country.

NBG offers a wide range of financial products and services that meet the ever evolving needs of private and business customers.

The Bank rightly considers itself to be the preferred bank of families in Greece, as it controls ¼ of the retail banking market. Its leading position in savings deposits reflects the trust of its customers who in essence comprise NBG’s driving force.

With an extensive branch and ATM network comprised of over 423 branches and 1,463 ATMs, NBG covers the entire geographical area of Greece, while it has also developed state-of-the-art e-channels, including Mobile and Internet Banking. Today, NBG’s international network includes 65 units, while the Group employs some 9,845 employees (as at 30 September 2019 (

About TÜV AUSTRIA Ηellas

TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas is an independent organization providing integrated control, training, inspection and certification services for safety, quality, environment and resource management. Its service portfolio focuses on serving customers’ needs for the benefit of quality and competitiveness of their products, services and human resources.The company’s clientele includes companies from all sectors of the economy such as agri-food, financial, tourism, industrial, lifts and elevators, energy, construction and more. At the same time, it focuses on the educational component through its training center, which is recognized as a Level II Lifelong Learning Center ( / /

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