EN 15343

Brief Description

EN 15343:2007 “Plastics – Recycled Plastics” specifies the requirements and guidelines for the use of recycled plastics. Its aim is to promote the use of recycled plastics as a sustainable alternative for reducing the consumption of primary plastic materials and minimizing environmental impacts.

Detailed description

The EN 15343:2007 standard for recycled plastics serves as a guide for the use of recycled plastic materials. Within this standard, requirements are defined for the production, quality, and processing of recycled plastics.

The standard covers the following aspects:

  1. Specification of requirements for the production of recycled plastic materials, including collection, sorting, cleaning, and processing of plastic waste.
  2. Requirements for the quality of recycled plastic materials, encompassing physical, mechanical, and chemical properties.
  3. Definition of requirements for the processing of recycled plastic materials, including product manufacturing, repair, recycling, and blending with other materials

What is the certification procedure?

Certification Regulation

Certification Application

Who is it for?

The certification is aimed to all organizations, regardless of their size or their field of activity.

What are the benefits of certification?

  • Confirmation of compliance
  • Enhanced competitive advantage
  • Access to markets and supplies with large companies or public entities
  • Promotion of environmental commitment
  • Compliance with legislation

Who do I contact for more information?

Customer Service Department Contact Person: Anna Topaltziki Phone: +30 210 5220920, ext. 2064

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