Greek Breakfast
Short Description

This Seal focuses on the Greek gastronomic tradition, aiming to become the key element of the Greek hotel product identity and, therefore, the tool for promoting Greek tourism. The aim of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels Greek Breakfast Seal is to enrich the breakfast offered by Greek hotels with domestic agricultural products, as well as traditional local delicacies that showcase the culinary tradition and identity of each tourist destination in Greece.

Detailed Description

The Greek Breakfast Seal is granted by the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels upon inspection by an accredited/recognised organisation (TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS) provided compliance with the requirements arising from the two main pillars:

  • The first pillar focuses on dish presentation, and ensuring predefined aesthetics, food safety, area hygiene, compliance with good food handling practises, ability of staff to support the philosophy of the business and customer satisfaction.
  • The second pillar stems from the central philosophy of the Seal, which focuses on the buffet set-up and the choice of dishes so that guests can literally “get a taste” of the place they have visited.

What Is the Certification Procedure?

Follow the steps below to get a Greek Breakfast Seal:

Who Is it Addressed To?

The evaluation for the Greek Breakfast Seal is addressed to all hotels that have a valid Special Operational Seal/Notification and serve breakfast.

What Are the Certification Benefits?

Greek Breakfast is a significant innovative programme of particular importance both to improve the competitiveness of Greek hotels, especially small and medium-sized units, and promoting Greek gastronomy as a characteristic of Greek tourism diversification and development. The Greek Breakfast Seal is a diversified and recognised brand that is constantly supported support and can add value to a tourism business, as it:

▪ Contributes towards increasing active demand, as gastronomic tourism is one of the dominant trends worldwide.

▪ Assists in increasing the customer satisfaction rates and in creating opportunities for preserving the number of guests, given that in most relevant apps, breakfast is a key element for accommodation.

▪ Integrates the certified business to an increasingly expanding network of associates.

▪ Creates strong bonds with the local communities and businesses.

In addition, the 250-points performance rating for the hotel is a major incentive to integrate this service into the benefits of a hospitality structure.

Choosing TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS for evaluating the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels Greek Breakfast programme:

  • Ensures responsible and impartial evaluation of a business by an organisation with long accredited prestige in the area of Certification.
  • Provides added value to a tourism business through the credibility and strength that is reflected by our brand name.
  • Offers integrated one-stop shop solutions to tourism businesses, as it provides accredited inspection, certification and training services to fully meet their needs and ensure their activities.
What Is the Certification Procedure?

Follow the steps below to get a Greek Breakfast Seal:

Who Is it Addressed To?

The evaluation for the Greek Breakfast Seal is addressed to all hotels that have a valid Special Operational Seal/Notification and serve breakfast.

What Are the Certification Benefits?

Greek Breakfast is a significant innovative programme of particular importance both to improve the competitiveness of Greek hotels, especially small and medium-sized units, and promoting Greek gastronomy as a characteristic of Greek tourism diversification and development. The Greek Breakfast Seal is a diversified and recognised brand that is constantly supported support and can add value to a tourism business, as it:

▪ Contributes towards increasing active demand, as gastronomic tourism is one of the dominant trends worldwide.

▪ Assists in increasing the customer satisfaction rates and in creating opportunities for preserving the number of guests, given that in most relevant apps, breakfast is a key element for accommodation.

▪ Integrates the certified business to an increasingly expanding network of associates.

▪ Creates strong bonds with the local communities and businesses.

In addition, the 250-points performance rating for the hotel is a major incentive to integrate this service into the benefits of a hospitality structure.

Choosing TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS for evaluating the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels Greek Breakfast programme:

  • Ensures responsible and impartial evaluation of a business by an organisation with long accredited prestige in the area of Certification.
  • Provides added value to a tourism business through the credibility and strength that is reflected by our brand name.
  • Offers integrated one-stop shop solutions to tourism businesses, as it provides accredited inspection, certification and training services to fully meet their needs and ensure their activities.

Who Do I Contact for the Certification?

Head of Tourism Business Certification Department: Theano Baka, Tel: +30 210 5220920, Ext: 2006

Customer Service Department Contact Person: Anna Topaltziki, Tel: +30 210 5220920, Ext: 2064



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