Short description
TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas offers -in the field of inspections of electrical vehicle charging installations- a comprehensive set of services in order to ensure the reliability of the installations and the safety of the users.
Detailed description
TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas offers -in the field of inspections of electrical vehicle charging installations- the following services:
- Inspection of the conformity of the electrical installation with the requirements of the applicable legislation (Government Gazette 4654/Β/8-10-2021).
- Issuance of certificate of conformity after successful completion of inspections.
- Tests and measurements based on ELOT 60364.
- Infrared inspection of electrical installations. The test is performed by certified inspectors.
- Identification of faults in electrical installations.
- Expertise.
In accordance with the legislation in force (Government Gazette 4654/Β/8-10-2021), the electrical installations of the recharging points for electric vehicles must be designed, constructed, operated and inspected according to the requirements and specifications, defined in the Greek Standard ELOT 60364 “Requirements for electrical installations” or the corresponding equivalent European and international standards.
The ELOT 60364-7-722 standard is the part of the ELOT 60364 standard, where the special requirements for the installation of chargers for electrical circuits are stated. This standard describes in detail the tests that must be performed in the charging installations, specifying the tests and measurements in the specific requirements and specifications that must be met by such installations.
The inspectors of TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas have inspected a large number of electrical installations in Greece and abroad (Albania, Turkey, Romania, Jordan) and have undergone appropriate training and possess the necessary experience to ensure an outcome of the highest quality for the end user. All inspections are conducted with calibrated measurement devices.
Who Is it Addressed To?
TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS’ comprehensive services of inspection of electrical installations are intended for:
- Public space
- Public Parking Facilities
- Private parking spaces in houses and apartment buildings that have chargers
- Parking spaces in department stores and theaters / cinemas
- Hotel Parking Facilities
- Gas stations
Who Do I Contact for the Certification?
Industrial Services Sector, Contact person: Mrs. Diamantopoulou Chara, tel.: +30 210 5220920, ext.2012