Third Party Services (Inspection, Commissioning)

Brief Description

Third Party inspections are necessary to ensure the conformity of Industrial Facilities with the construction specifications as well as the operating regulations of facilities. In accordance with standard ISO 17020, TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS, a body accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System (E.SY.D.), performs inspections as a Third Party Inspection independent body.

Detailed Description

TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS’ specialised and experienced inspectors enable it to guarantee the objective verification required in modern technical projects. Inspections are conducted in accordance with the specifications of the relevant project or international standards that are recognised by competent institutions.

The services refer either to the studies check according to legislation and/or project specifications, or to inspections at the manufacturer’s premises or on-site (shop & field inspections). TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS can attend Final Acceptance Tests (FAT) at the construction plant, and inspect the assembly and final tests of the constructions.

The inspections conducted by TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas refer to:

  • Approvals of materials and works methodology
  • Inspections during manufacturing
  • FAT (Factory Acceptance Tests)
  • Final & commissioning tests
  • Verification of laboratory controls & tests
  • Inspections of construction site facilities (e.g. workshops, laboratories etc.)
  • Final acceptance of projects
  • Expertise

Who Is it Addressed To?

Industries, Investors, Constructors of Technical Projects, etc.

Who Do I Contact for the Certification?

Industrial Inspections, Contact Person: Mrs. Hara Diamantopoulou, tel. no.: +30 210 5220920, ext.110

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