Activities and services of TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas are developing and improving. TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas has been recognized as a “Provisionally Approved Certification Body” ( by GLOBALG.A.P for the IFA 4.0 Aquaculture BASE, which is the step before being recognized as an “Approved Certification Body”. At this status TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas is able to undertake certification audits and issue certificates (in a limited number). The process for the recognition as an “Approved Certification Body” is scheduled to be finalized by mid-November ’12. World wide, only 9 certification bodies are already recognized!
TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas services, including the Aquaculture Sector, are characterized by the fundamental principles:
- Competent and experienced auditing staff
- High educated, expertise and trained auditors
- Providing added value to its client via the auditing process
- Customer support, and 100% satisfaction of agreed specifications.
The same attributes giving TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas the recognition and reliability of its certificates during the 18 years of its operation.
This new recognition is adding and enhancing the inspection and certification abilities of TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas, in the food sector, covering all the steps of the food chain (form primary production, processing to warehousing and delivering). Also, TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas recently received its accreditation for the provision of inspection and certification services of organic products from the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD), according to the European Regulations (EC) 834/2007 and (EC) 889/2008. The accreditation includes the whole certification framework in organic products for crop production, animal production, animal feeding and processing.
TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas provides inspection and certification services for all the recognized schemes (BRC, IFS, IFS LOGISTICS, IFS BROKER, ISO 22000, FS 22000, PAS 220, HACCP, GLOBALGAP, AGRO 2.1-2.2, AGRO 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4), also according to special regulations regarding eg. organic products, labeling, GMO free etc.