In times where the need to maintain and strengthen the productive effort and creating economic activity is a necessary condition for the next day in our country, TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas reaffirms its leadership in promoting the Greek entrepreneurship around the globe by providing its universally recognized Certification Services in the agri-food sector.
Specifically, on July 7 2015, TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas received from the GLOBALG.A.P c/o FoodPLUS GmbH, the recognition as a full member of GLOBALG.A.P for the year 2015.
TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas as a full member is an integral part of the Certification Body Committee (CBC). The Committee discusses GLOBALG.A.P implementation issues and provides feedback, as well as represents the activities of the Certification Bodies within the GLOBALG.A.P System. It is worth mentioning that TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas has represented the Greek Certification Body sector in all the previous meetings that have taken place so far, for the year 2015.
Even more, TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas has the exclusive privilege to add the GLOBALG.A.P Membership stamp, in all the relevant certificates that issues for its clients giving them the opportunity to discriminate in the marketplace.
The GLOBALG.A.P certification scheme holds the greatest international impact for the Integrated Assurance agricultural production. Besides, it is the product of a global network of partnerships that aims to strengthen the link between primary production and retail chains, the welfare on food safety, the environmental sustainability, the in-farm workers’ safety and the animals’ protection.
TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas is the focal point of the TÜV AUSTRIA GROUP in the agri-food sector, being the company of the Group with the greater technical competence, accreditations and recognitions in this field. Provides technical support by transferring expertise and accredited services in the subsidiaries of the Group in 26 countries around the globe.